Vectorworks working with text very slow
Vectorworks working with text very slow

vectorworks working with text very slow vectorworks working with text very slow

Text is notoriously complex for CAD to process accurately so it takes time. Large volume of text in a drawing will affect speed.Pattern-fills or bitmap-fill loading across a network from a server machine instead of from the local hard drive.Bitmap Fill of large areas with the bitmap fill size set too small causing too many repeats.The larger the area the larger the spacing should be set Gradient Fill with the spacing set too small.If your graphics card is not ideal for this work then speed issues will occur Transparent planes rely on the graphics card and Open-GL to display. This can also crash the system as it runs out of memory. Having Pattern-Fill planes set too small ( wrong Plane scale value) causing too many repeats of the pattern to fill the area.(V8 overcomes this to a large extent but it is still relevant) This is the BIGGEST issue affecting speed. The use of Pattern-Fill planes that contain a large number of small lines e.g.Running out of ideas and getting frustrated beyond belief how much time I'm wasting with 30 second delays to perform a half second task like changing a sheet number.Here is a list of things that can slow your system down: No auto render, low detail, raster or vector it's still slow, nothing I've found claiming to be the answer has helped. Not actually updating it, simply selecting it takes that long! Refresh I check some emails and get a coffee. Even just selecting a file in the Documents dialog takes 5-10 seconds. Drawing a dimension takes 5-10 seconds just to gain a snap point, and just as long for each click. I try to click into a piece of simple text and it takes 5-10 seconds to let me type.

vectorworks working with text very slow

Trying to pan in Layout is painfully slow.

vectorworks working with text very slow

Model flies around Sketchup at 100+fps no problem. Pulling scenes from a 10mb +/- file, efficiently modeled, no large textures, and pulling title info from a spreadsheet. Intel i7 2.67ghz 24GB RAM Radeon RX560 Windows 10 I've tried all the usual tips and tricks that I've been able to Google and it's left me with a painful but usable program. Have always had issues with performance across multiple computers and offices. Been using Sketchup/Layout for home design for a few years now.

Vectorworks working with text very slow